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    More About THCh

    THCh produces similar effects as ∆9-THC. With a 6-carbon chain, just one compound longer, it does correlate with a longer and stronger high. It brings intense feelings of blissful relief and relaxation.

    THCh FAQs

    THCm, also known as Tetrahydrocannabihexol, is a lesser-known cannabinoid found in cannabis that offers a distinct and novel experience with even stronger and longer-lasting psychoactive effects than other types of THC.

    Thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill, HHC is federally legal. The bill states that hemp-derived products containing less than 0.3% Delta 9 THC are classified as legal to produce and sell. Although it’s federally legal, that doesn’t mean it’s legal in every state. It’s important to check the laws in your state as regulations are constantly changing.

    THCh produces similar effects as ∆9-THC. With a 6-carbon chain, just one compound longer, it does correlate with a longer and stronger high. It brings intense feelings of blissful relief and relaxation. THCh is similar to Delta-9, so its good for those who have a higher tolerance and for night time or for a party. It has even stronger and longer-lasting psychoactive effects than other types of THC and produces intense feelings of blissful relief and relaxation. It’s no wonder why our pharmacists at Mellow Fellow used it to concoct Klimt’s Desire Blend!

    THCh can be consumed through various methods, including smoking dried cannabis flowers, vaping cannabis concentrates, eating cannabis-infused edibles, and using tinctures or oils.

    THCh may have side effects, but individual reactions can vary. It's always recommended to use cannabinoids responsibly and in moderation.

    Yes, cannabis contains non-psychoactive compounds like CBD (cannabidiol), CBG (cannabigerol), and CBN (cannabinol), which offer various potential benefits without causing a "high."

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